Boboyi Poradoz Museloum🕍🤗



Today is 21 St december and our place is Boboyi Poradoz🕍📍

and wednesday and our guides: me😎, Nilufar and Hakimabonu😇💖

Third day of practice декабря 16 , 2022 Hazrat Baboyi Poradoz ( Baboyi Shawqi ; Sheikh Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Ahmad Al Askof ) is a hermit , scholar , sheikh from Central Asia ( VIII - IX centuries ) . Babayi Poradoz mausoleum Boboyi Poradoz was born in Bukhara in 842 and died in 925. He lived 83 years . Sources say " Shavqi Baba's original name is Poradoz . " The reason for this is said to be that he lived with the love of God . That's why they called the sharif family " Baboyi Shavqi " . Also , the Char Bakrs of Bukhara , namely Abu Bakr Sa'd , Abu Bakr Fazl , Abu Bakr Tarkhan , Abu Bakr Hamid , and Abu Jafar Hinduwani , who is considered a well - known mujtahid ( regulator of religious rules ) , were students of Babayi Poradoz . Boboyi Poradoz was considered the pir of tailors , shoemakers , mahsidoz and other professions . The mausoleum of Babayi Poradoz is located outside the Sallakhana gate of Bukhara city . Bukhara is one of the shrines .


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