Mag'okki Attor Mosque🕍


We start our next practise day in historical places. Our first day starts at 13.30a.m  and first place is Mag'oki Attor Mosque.

Gulbadan, Zilola, Go'zal ,Muqàddaß are our guides today.🤗🤗

Here you can read an information about Mosque:

In the centre of Bukhara to the west of the famous Lyabi Hauz square is located the oldest mosque in Bukhara – Magoki Attori – is located.
Its construction in 714 is associated with the name of the Arab Sheikh, Governor of Khorasan, Qutayba Ibn Muslim – one of the first people who brought Islam to the territory of Central Asia. 

Even before the arrival of the Arabs to Bukhara, a bazaar was located on the site of the mosque, where before the establishment of Islam, Zoroastrian idols, medicinal herbs and spices – attoron – were sold. And in the beginning, this place was called Attoron Bazaar. There was also a cult Zoroastrian temple of the Moon.

In order not to drown out the history of the area, the mosque, built on the site of the destroyed temple of the Zoroastrians, was named Magoki Attori.
During its long history, the Magoki mosque suffered from several major fires and was reconstructed more than once. 

The last construction was carried out in the early XII century.
In 1541, the Bukharian governor, Abdulaziz Khan, wanted to demolish the mosque, as by that time it was heavily sunk in the ground and partially destroyed the front part of the portal. However, he was prevented by the leader of the Nakshbandi Sufi order, Sheikh Makhmudi Azam.

It is speculated as built in the 9th to 10th century on the remains of a Zoroastrian temple from the pre-Islamic era. Before the Arab conquest there was a bazaar on the site of Maghoki Attori Mosque. It was a market for idols, potions and spices – attor (perfumes) and other goods. Besides this, there was formerly a Temple of the Moon (Mah) close to this place. Before the construction of the first synagogue, Jews in Bukhara had shared a place in the mosque with Muslims

Some say that Bukharian Jews and Muslims worshipped alongside each other in the same place at the same time. Other sources insist that Jews worshipped after Muslims. The mosque is also notable for being one of the oldest surviving mosques in Central Asia and one of the few surviving buildings in Bukhara from the time before the Mongolian invasion. In the 12th century, 

when Kara-Khanids reigned in Bukhara, the mosque was substantially rebuilt and re-dressed. It also received a new main facade in the south. In the middle of the 15th century, it was restored and a new portal with was built in the eastern ground. At the beginning of the 1930s the mosque was restored again.The last construction was carried out in the early XII century.

In 1541, the Bukharian governor, Abdulaziz Khan, wanted to demolish the mosque, as by that time it was heavily sunk in the ground and partially destroyed the front part of the portal. However, he was prevented by the leader of the Nakshbandi Sufi order, Sheikh Makhmudi Azam.

After finishing talking about Mosque, Our teacher Zarifa Gafurovna explained what we do and what is next place we go.

Lastly, all of us go home🚍😊


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