Piridastgir Mosque🕍



today is thursday,

15th December

our today historical place is Piridastgir Mosque

we start at 10.00 am

with our coursmates and our teacher Zarifa Gafurovna

our guides: Dilnura, Gulnoza and Dildora

I arrived at 10.30 am because of transportation system. and we cleaned there and start to talk about it. Dildora and Dilnura talk about there and here you can read some of them:

Shaykh Abdulkadir Jiilani is the founder of the "Qadiriya" order in Sufism, the propagator of the idea of ​​"engagement and freedom" (let your mind be free from the world when you are busy with the world).
Jiylani's books on the history of Islam, the theory of Sufism, morals, "Kitabi Bashora al-Hayrat", "Kitab al-Ghuniya", "Kitabi Fathur Rabbani wal Faizur Rahmani", "Kitabi Futuhul Ghayb", "Kitabi Fayzot ar-Rabbaniyya"
, "

Bismillahir Rohmanir Rahim.
Hazrat Sheikh Sayyid Muhyiddin Abdul Qadir Jiylani was born in the year 1079 AD (471 Hijri) in the village of Bashtir, Jiylan province of Iran, and died in the year 1166 AD (562 Hijri) in the city of Baghdad, Iraq.
Jiilani first studied under Abu Zakariyya Tabrizi. 

At the age of sixteen, he went to Baghdad and studied the science of kalam and hadith from the great scholars such as Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad, Abul Qasim ibn Ahmad ibn Bayan, Abu Talib ibn Yusuf. He learned jurisprudence from Ali ibn Abu Sa'id Mukhrumi. Ali ibn Abu Sa'id Mukhrumi wore the sheikh's kirqa.

Returning to Baghdad, Abdulkadir Jiilani became a teacher at the madrasa. Jiilani preached for thirty-three years and taught talibi sciences.

Shaykh Abdulkadir Jiilani is the founder of the "Qadiriya" order in Sufism, the propagator of the idea of ​​"engagement and freedom" (let your mind be free from the world when you are busy with the world).
Jiylani's books on the history of Islam, the theory of Sufism, morals, "Kitabi Bashora al-Hayrat", "Kitab al-Ghuniya", "Kitabi Fathur Rabbani wal Faizur Rahmani", "Kitabi Futuhul Ghayb", "Kitabi Fayzot ar-Rabbaniyya", "Maktuboti Jiylani" ", "Sirrul asrar mahzarul anwar", "Al-Kunya li talibi tariqil Haq", and is the author of dozens of treatises.
The graves of Hazrat are located in Baghdad, Iraq. 

This shrine in Bukhara is the symbolic tomb of Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jiilani, and this shrine is called "Piri-dastgir". With the honor of independence, this shrine was renovated and a new mosque was built.



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