Khoja Muhammad Boboyi Samosiy

 Khoja Muhammad Baba Samosi was born in the village of Samos near Bukhara in the middle of the 7th/13th century.

 He was of medium height, wheat-colored, sharp-eyed, determined, with a radiant face. He was in the service of Khoja Ali Romitani until the end of his life and looked after the trees in his teacher's garden. Like other pirs of the Khojagan family, Khoja Muhammad Baba Samosi was a gardener by profession and earned his living through his honest work. He worked by himself in his garden in the village of Samos and grew various fruits, including grapes.

 Khoja Muhammad Baba Samosi's father, Sayyid Abdullah, was originally from the village of Durun in Khurasan, and was a descendant of the Prophet (pbuh), Imam Musa Kozim (r.a.). In the work "Matlabut-talibin" it is recorded that Samosi first studied in his village, and then came to Bukhara on the instructions of his father.

 According to this source, as soon as he arrived in Bukhara, he fell in love with Khoja Mahmud Anjir Fagnavi, the third elder of the Khojagan dynasty, and Khoja Mahmud entrusted his education to Khoja Ali Romitani. Samosy always walks by his pier and goes to various places, including Khorezm. As a result, he became one of the great caliphs of Romitani. Before his death, Khwaja Ali Romitani left Khwaja Muhammad Baba Samosi in his place and entrusted him with the education of all murids and caliphs. Khoja Muhammad Baba Samosiy began to educate murids in the village of Samos, where he was born and raised.

 He looked for most of his students himself, and had great love for them. One day, while passing by the wrestling arena, he saw a wrestler named Amir Kulol. Walking further, he looks at the wrestler and pulls him to the spiritual field... After that, Amir Kulol quits wrestling and enters the service of His Holiness.

 Besides Amir Kulol, Baba Samosi had many murids and followers, the most famous of them are Khwaja Muhammad Sufi Sukhori, Khwaja Mahmud Samosi (son of Baba Samosi), Hazrat Maulana Ali Danishmandar.

 According to the sources, Khoja Mohammad Baba Samosi said that Bahauddin Naqshband would be born and become a "leader of the times" even after his birth. When he was born, he adopted him as a spiritual child and gave him to the upbringing of Sayyid Amir Kulol. The incident is mentioned in the sources as follows: "When Hazrat Muhammad Baba brought the newborn Bahauddin Naqshband to Samosi, he showed the baby and said to Amir Kulol: "This is ours. We adopted him as a spiritual child. As we said earlier, this is the person who will be the future of our tariqah, God willing. The village will later become Qasri Orifon. O Amir Kulol! I leave my son Bahauddin in this blanket to you. Don't allow any flaws in his outward and inward education!"


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